Alaska Bankruptcy
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The legislation which governs bankruptcy laws in Alaska specifically requires that debtors be subjected to a means test, or rather that their gross household income be subjected to a means test.
If you’ve been wondering what a means test is it is vital to be aware that it is where the earnings (gross household income) of the debtors will be scaled and compared against the earnings or gross household incomes of other similarly sized households in order to get a clearer picture of where the debtors stand.
The median (a kind of average) will be calculated for the size of the household in question and then depending on whether the income of the debtor falls below or above the median, the debtor may have to file for what is known as Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
In cases where the debtor’s gross monthly salary exceeds the specified median, then the debtor will have to either file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy or they will have to face a motion which is basically to convert or dismiss the case itself.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Alaska is usually undesirable to debtors considering that unless their allowed expenses (payroll deductions, secured debt payments, and living expenses as allowed under IRS rules), put them in a position wherein they have no income to pay to their creditors, they are going to have to pay cumbersome monthly installments to the creditors for an exhausting period of five years.
Now to better handle this situation you are in a golden place. And it is perhaps just in time. has the legal pro for you. Use this site to your advantage because when going up against large institutions like this you need all the help you can get it. Our site is the aircraft carrier, the most powerful platform, for legal searches and we have simplified the process for you.
With just a couple of clicks, you can find an Alaska bankruptcy lawyer who can help you deal with this situation in the best possible way. You are very close to getting their name and number. Make the call today!
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